Friday, September 15, 2006


Yeah, I know, as usual I haven't done anything in a very long time. Just apathy I guess. But now I have plenty of time. See, about a month ago I was fired from my job of 7.5 years. Total shock. Didn't see it coming. They wouldn't even tell me why. I have a suspicicion, but even if I'm right it was for something I didn't actually do, and I don't think it justified firing even if I did. For the past 4 weeks I've had almost nothing else running through my head, often to the point of insomnia. I feel betrayed.
Now, it's not all bad. The fact is, I wasn't totally happy working there it I suppose it showed. I have nothing but contempt for my former manager. How someone like that could rise to the level of manager or director amazes me. I can only assume much oral contact with butt cheeks was involved. The blunt fact is that the man does not understand what he is managing. How can you be a quality manager without at least minor knowledge of metrology, statistics, or basic manufacturing processes. He is an arrogant little toad of a man. Hell, I could go on for hours.
The problem was, I resented reporting to this ignorant twit. I'm reminded of the line in the Police tune Synchonicity 2, "...every single meeting with his so-called superior is a humiliating kick in the crotch."
Now I won't claim I was the perfect employee either, but looking back I can see that my attitude was more effect than cause. My error was in letting it get to me, and letting my frustration build up. Another hard life-lesson learned I suppose. At least the buy-out package (i.e. don't-sue-us package) was good. I still get paid for several more months.
My ex co-workers have been good about it. I've met with them a couple of times over lunch, and they've been supportive, sorry about what happened sort of thing. And they are the ones I'll miss most. I didn't care for the job, or most managers (some were good, even great), but many of the people I worked with made things tolerable or even fun. They know who they are.
Still, I feel like shit much of the time.
More to come in episode 2.

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