Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What are you so damned happy about?

So, here I am with a nasty cold, the kind that makes you feel like your head is stuffed with fur, occasionally dries that certain spot in your throat to the point of making you cough up stuff you ate as a child, but other than that doesn't feel that bad.
And I am still unemployed. And the car needs an oil change. And I need a haircut. And I haven't played D&D in months. And I want a new computer, and some new games. And the spouse is spending most of her time locked away in her office, presumably working on an essay for her film course, or perhaps plotting my doom! Mwahahahaha!

But for all that, I'm in a great mood! I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps some little gizmo in my skull has malfunctioned and is now pumping endorphins into me full blast. Don't knock it, I guess; it helps to balance the month or two of misery after I was fired.

"Will break atoms for money"
So what have I done lately? Well, I have 2, count-em!, 2 interviews lined up at Mr. Burn's place. One Thursday, and another next Tuesday for 2 different jobs there. For the first one I have to make a 5-minute presentation on nuclear energy. No more details given than that. Ok, no biggie, even though I haven't made a presentation in probably 13 years. But the one next week is what I really want. This is for the job I tested for in September. Gad, but they don't move too fast, do they?
On top of that, I've got an agency presenting my resume to a certain car manufacturer starting with "T", for a seriously big money job. Sure, make the decision to bail on quality even harder! Happiness or money, happiness or money, ummmm?

What else is good? My buddy Roscoe was over Sunday to watch some DVD's and drink some very good beer. I'm currently listening to a podcast of old 80's 'underground' or alternative music. A lot of it is now semi-popular retro stuff, but back then you would never here most of it on regular commercial radio. I remember listening to the local university station back in 81 or 82 and hearing this stuff. Ah, the mighty CHRW, blasting it out with a whopping 50 watts! The sound quality kind of sucks, it sounds like somebody put a mike next to a radio. But the tunes are great.

"Mumbo, perhaps. Jumbo, perhaps not!"
Oh, and I've been reading a book about mindfulness meditation. It's originally a Buddhist thing, but the book I'm reading is about the program used at a major medical center for stress relief, pain, that sort of thing. Pretty cools stuff, actually. I'm surprised how hard it is to do nothing. Try it. Seriously, sit, concentrate on your breathing. Don't do anything else, don't even think of anything else. Your mind will wander, guaranteed. Try doing that for 15 minutes, or 30, or more. It's fucking hard sometimes! But afterward I feel incredibly relaxed and mellow and my head is clear. And it's all legal and doesn't create cravings for junk food! And I don't have to pay anybody! Anyway the book says to do this for 15 minutes a day for a week to start. Well, so far I've worked up to 10 minutes. Gad, if I ever manage 45 minutes, I think I'll have melted by the end!
Well, enough of this feel-good, happy, shiny, peace to the world crap. Time to play a violent video game!

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