Saturday, December 02, 2006

Mad Political Ranting

Oh boy! The Liberal Leadership convention! What excitement! What drama! What a load of crap! This weekend the Liberal party of Canada are having a little get together to pick a new leader, and just about every bloody channel is carrying the whole boring mess non-stop. They seem to think the average Canadian actually give a flying fuck which particular slime-drenched thief is going to be the nominal head of this pack of asses. Ok, so let's assume I'm not typical, and that quite a few folks will actually watch this political daisy chain, complete with reacharounds. So why do we have to have nothing but this drivel?! How many times can the reporters talk about the same meaningless item as if it was the key to survival of the species? "Well, Fred, as we've just heard, Ignatieff is wearing black socks today. What could this mean? Reporter Lester O. Twoevils asks the janitor, since it's 2am and we've asked everyone else..."
Ultimately they're going to pick yet another hyperweasel to steer this dinosaur of a political party. Remember these are the same folks who threw away billions of our tax dollars through incompetence and corruption. Can anyone seriously think the new boss (singing: same as the old boss), will be any different?
Apparently some do. The folks at this stupid thing, who apparently have nothing better to do than engage is this idiotic masturbation, seem to actually believe these leaders are somehow superior to the last batch of parasites! When I see one of these glassy-eyed zealots being interviewed, I can see that he truly believes that Bob Rae, or Michael Ignatieff, or Smedly the Astro-chimp, or whoever, is the new Liberal messiah here to lead the chosen delagates to the promised bla, bla, bla. Am I too cynical, or are these people a bunch of sheep? And guess who's wearing the oversized hip-waders... I can just imagine a bunch of them chanting "Kill the heretic!", and preparing to sacrifice a conservative to the ghost of Trudeau.
Ok, that's enough venom. I'll just go back to grumbling about converage of this thing interrupting my Simpsons reruns.

1 comment:

Ken Breadner said...

Amen. And thank you for laying my brain bare on the screen.