Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Butthead of the Week Award...

...goes to the dork sitting in his vehicle in front of the grocery store last night. Spousal unit and I went to pick up a few items to keep us going for a few days, so we parked in one of the many open designated parking spaces, like good little shoppers. As we're walking up to the store we notice this week's number one bozo sitting in his idling vehicle, apparently waiting for someone to come out. We often see people parked along the front of the store like this. Apparently they are far too important to be bothered by parking with the lowly masses.
So, anyway, Captain Smeghead here is sitting there wasting gas and helping us to have no more white Christmases ever while waiting for someone else to finish shopping. Someone who can't stand to walk to 40 or 50 feet to the nearest, actual, designated parking spot. Fine. We've seen this kind of thing before. Shrug it off.
Twenty minutes later, we've complete our purchase and are making the horrid, grueling trek back to our car, and guess what, there's the man the dinosaurs died for, still sitting there with the engine running.
As far as I'm concerned, this knob is out of the game:
* Idling your vehicle unnecessarily for 20+ minutes, puking out some more greenhouse gases to fuck up the world some more. Strike 1!
* Blocking space in front of the store because he and/or his wife are too fucking lazy to walk from a regular parking spot! Strike 2!
* And Strike 3 is that jerkboy is doing this in an SUV that, I can almost guarantee, has never been off pavement.
* And Strike 4 (my game, I make the rules), is that the thing was a BMW X5 or whatever. A BMW, I might have known. I've observed over the years that approximately 90% of BMW drivers are total assholes. Somehow they figure that overpaying for some Nazi land yacht makes them into some kind of superior, Eurotrash, uber-pinhead. "This isn't a parking lot! This is my personal autobahn!"

Spousal unit and I drove away in our humble Honda Civic, with a mixture of disgust and smug superiority.

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