Well, I'm back. For a while I just didn't feel like writing. Then when I finally did, I realized I had forgotten my username and password. D'oh! I've been trying to remember too many other passwords of late.
Anyway, now I discover that I'm being forced to use the new version of Blogger (no longer in beta), which I had been intentionally avoiding. The spousal unit and others had complained about it after switching. I hate being forced to change to something that is not necessarily better. But now that the Google Empire has swallowed Blogger, we must comply. Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated!
Well, life has been eventful over the last couple of months. I'm not ready to reveal all just yet, but here are a couple of thoughts:
1. I've had a painful revelation about my distant past. I'm still trying to digest it and will probably write some more about it later.
2. Q: Why do chicken coops have two doors? A: Because if they had four doors they would be chicken sedans!
Groan! So bad it's good.
3. "He who laughs last, thinks slowest." I'll be laughing last about something, which I will explain in about 4 weeks.
Now, let's see what this evil regime does with my post...
1 comment:
Hey there, good to see you back in blogworld. Looking forward to finding out what's new and improved.
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