Monday, October 30, 2006

Still here. Still (mostly) sane.

Not much happening around these parts. I'm doing my best to fight off depression and enjoy this time as much as possible. But the fact is I have a lingering fear that's always in the background. Sometimes it fades for a while, but it's always there.

It's been 5 weeks since I wrote the test for the nuclear plant (that's nuc-u-lar for a certain tool south of the border). I don't hold much hope that they'll call me for an interview, even though the status shown on their site still says "in-progress".

I had an interview for a place here in town. I would be doing basically the same job I'd been doing for the past 9 or so years, but at least I wouldn't have to move. I think it went ok, not great, but ok. Apparently I'm one of 6 interviewees picked from 50 applications, and this will be trimmed down to 2 to be grilled by the QA manager. If I don't hear back by the end of the week, I can forget that one as well.
I have another interview scheduled for Thursday in Toronto. I don't really want to work in Toronto, but a job is a job. I hate big cities. Other than these 2, I've had a few calls from headhunters, but nothing more concrete than that. Sigh.

The spousal unit has dragged me into something called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The idea is to write a 50000 word novel in the 30 days of November. At least it will keep me busy. I want to expand something very strange I wrote way back in high school. If only I can find where I put it...

We went to a Halloween type party thing last night on somewhat short notice. I was enjoying it, but after about 2 hours Spousal unit's stamina gave out and we had to leave. Too bad. Lots of amusing people, good food, and watching silly movies. We had watched Army of Darkness and were just starting Young Frankenstein when we left. Bah.

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