Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A somewhat serious post.

Ok, time for my 50th of a dollar on the subject of global warming, climate change, whatever. I'm not going to argue that most scientists believe it, and a few don't. There are a zillion arguments either way, and it seems to me very little clear truth to be sifted from the mess. As usual, everybody spins things to support what they already want to believe. Same as with politics, religion, and sports.
So I'll approach it from a somewhat simpler angle.
1. Hundreds of millions of years ago, life forms started using carbon as a primary component of their bodies and metabolisms. They obtained this carbon from the environment (atmosphere, gasses from volcanos, and such).
2. As these critters and plants snuffed it, many of their itty-bitty bodies ended up in positions where geological processes changed them chemically into coal, oil, gas, and similar types of burnable things.
3. The above two things went on for many hundreds of millions of years, collecting jillions of tons of carbon and locking it away.
4. Jump ahead a while, until the mid-1800's or so. These silly little ape descendants start yanking all this stuff out of the ground and burning it, releasing this carbon back into the environment.
5. Summary: Over hundreds of millions of years, vast and ridiculous amounts of the stuff is hidden away. We dig it up, and put it back in 150 years! How can this not have an effect!

The speed at which things are done matters. Look at the gas tank of your car: burn it a little at a time in a controlled way, and you can get around town. Burn it all at once, and you have a bomb.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

From one bunch of clowns to another...

I came across this link on William Gibson's blog:

Clowns KKKick KKK ass!

Good for a chuckle or two.

Ever notice how folks like Nazis, the KKK, religious fanatics, etc. never seem to have a sense of humour? Unless they're laughing at someone else's suffering. A sure sign of mental illness.