Thursday, June 01, 2006

What?! Two in the same year?! IS HE MAD!?

The spousal unit has tagged me with a sort of meme thingy. So, here goes a bunch of fours.

Four jobs I've had in my life: Security Gaurd, Taxi driver (Are you talkin' to me?), Process Engineer, Quality Engineer.

Four movies I would watch over and over: Aliens, Star Wars IV (Han shot first!), Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Incredibles.

Four places I have lived: London, St. Catharines, Newmarket, CFB Gagetown (but not for very long).

Four TV shows I love to watch: Mythbusters, Family Guy, Futurama, Stargate Atlantis.

Four places I have been: Toluca Mexico, Denver, Brownsville Texas, Disneyworld.

Four websites I visit daily: Slashdot, Dilbert, Hardgainer, Adrenaline Vault.

Four of my favorite foods: M&Ms (except the crunchy ones in the blue bag), shrimp, Spousal Unit's risotto (seafood or chicken), and lately Miss Vickie's jalapeno potato chips.

Four places I would rather be right now: New Zealand (looks like an amazing place), on a quiet beach somewhere (not too far from civilization, but not too close either), the house I grew up in, in a cozy pub with a group of good friends.

Four Friends that have been tagged that I think will respond: The only folks I know who blog have already done this thing, or won't.

There! Happy now?

1 comment:

Cissa Fireheart said...

Your wifey-poo tagged me too, but I just haven't done it yet...maybe later today....